Slot machine wrong betting method

  1. Oversized bets Common players use wrong betting methods, such as playing slot machines like baccarat, ending the game after betting 50 hands, king game online casinoand finally ending up with nothing but scolding and spraying, but the chance of a slot machine winning a hundred times is quite low. It's better to play live baccarat in the Golden Papa game, there will be at least half the chance of winning if you play the banker or the player.
  2. The greater the pressure, the greater the pressure When you find that the table has a high spin and you don’t enter any free games, you feel that you will definitely break a king game online casinohundred times or a thousand times next time. The more you play, the bigger it is, and the end is not so concave that it leads to turning over instinctively. At that time, the slot machine was designed using RNG completely. The random sequence means that the probability of each spin is the same for you, so when the above situation occurs to you, please choose the correct strategy rationally, and first use a small bet to clear the bad game or change the channel.
  3. Bet all the way down Players often make a bet without king game online casinochanging any betting amount. The so-called slot machine is to pay attention to the opening situation of the slot machine at any time to make a strategy. When necessary, press the multiplier. Even if you fight to 50 times, the reward is more than if you place a small bet. .

Basic betting on slot machines The basic king game online casinobetting method of the slot machine is your current amount multiplied by 0.2% to 0.5%, which is called a basic bet. As shown in the figure below, there are 700,000 coins in hand, and the basic bet for each rotation is 1,400 to 3,500. What is the reason for defining a base betting value? Because of the design of the slot machine, the average slot machine free game is opened every 100 to 110 times, and at least three or more slot machine free game multiples can SSBET77have a large multiplier bonus, so we will push back at least the required number of spins. To determine your bet size.

Slot Machine Betting Tips

  1. Slot machine betting skills are divided into a. Low-value betting

Half of the base betting amount, a fraction of the current amount from 0.1 percent to 0.25 percent.

b. Minimum multiple betting

A quarter of the base stake, a fraction of the current line from 0.05 percent to 0.125 percent.

c. High multiple betting

2 times the basic betting amount, 0.4% to 1% of the current amount.

d. Highest multiple betting

The ratio of 4 times the basic betting amount, the fraction of the current amount from 0.8% to 2%.

e. Telescopic betting

Use basic betting method, low multiple PHL63betting method, minimum multiple betting method, high multiple betting method, super high multiple betting method

They are combined with each other according to the game characteristics and the statistically drawn data.


When there is no score for NFHM63 consecutive spins, the betting amount will be doubled for 1 to 10 hands.
